Provide information on city, street or square and street number (e.g., Trento via Degasperi 27) or a precise point of reference (restaurant, hotel, disco).
You will receive a confirmation SMS with the taxi number and arrival time.
If you know in advance the details of your ride or need special services, you can request your taxi with a simple email.
€ 4,20
€ 0,10
€ 7,40
€ 7,40
€ 31,80 l’ora
Town area destinations (hilly suburbs excluded) (**)
€ 1,30 per km and/or € 31,80 per hour
Hilly suburbs destinations
and destinations beyond town area (**)
€ 2,20 per km and/or € 31,80 per hour
Applies automatically
after 50 km
€ 2,20 per km
Hand luggage* € 0,60
Skis / Skier (*)* € 1,70
Animals (guide dogs excluded) /* € 1,70
Bicycle / Fahrrad (*)* € 1,90
Overnight and sundays and holidays fare (not to be combined) (*) € 2,90
More than 4 passengers* + 20%
Candriai € 36,00
Vaneze € 48,00
Vason € 60,00
Viote € 65,00
Norge € 55,00
Maranza € 40,00
For clarity and transparency, we have prepared a table with indicative costs for destinations outside the city of Trento.
* Surcharges added to fare at the end of the journay (out of taxameter)
** Hilly suburbs Argentario, Bergamini, Cognola, Maderno, Martignano, Moià, Montevaccino, San Donà, Tavernaro, Villamontagna, Zell, Circoscrizione Meano, Cortesano, Gardolo di Mezzo, Gazzadina, Vigo Meano, Circoscrizione Povo, Gabbiolo, Celva, Borino, Mesiano, Graffiano, Pantè, Sprè, Cimirlo. Circoscizione Villazzano, Grotta, Negrano, Molini, Bindesi, S.Rocco, Pianizza, Banala, Torricelle, Baselga del Bondone, Cadine, Sardagna, Sopramonte, Valsorda, Vigolo Baselga Villa-Locanda Margon.
tarif 3 is started up when the user gets in the taxi for destinations beyond town area and up to 50 km, after 50 km the driver applies tarif 4; for hilly suburbs it is started up at the beginning
(for uphill road ) or at the end (for downhill road ) of the hilly area, for the rest of the journey
the on screen fare is tarif 1 ; for all roundtrips with the passenger on board the on screen fare
is tarif 1.
If requested the taxi can be used by a group of passengers. In case of different destinations on the same route, the first passenger leaving the taxi, will pay the fare charged till that moment; the other passengers will pay the remainingjourney, or at least the minimum fare. Everytime a passenger leaves the taxi, the driver must clear the taximeter.
If you want to make a complaint or comment about taxi in Trento you can apply to a police officer or call: